Simple Great Battles of History, és el nom que tenen les regles genèriques del sistema de jocs simulació de batalles de l'antiguitat de GMT. SPQR, és el nom del mòdul o caixa de joc del sistema on podem trobar les...
iit's a fast playing SCS (Standard Combat Series from The Gamers) title and all the campaign can be played in 3-4 sessions. Supply, swift movements, attacks, counterattacks and some sieges define the campaign. It's a great operational big action game in...
Parece que en el club ahora esta de moda SCS, los juegos de la serie standard de The Gamers. De muestra, la capaña de Fallschirmjager que han empezado Carlos y David. Pincha AQUÍ para ver la galeria de fotos y los comentarios
Relato de una campaña del frente del este en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Jugamos la 'East front duration campaign', de la serie de juegos operacionales Der Weltkrieg, sobre la Gran Guerra. La escala del sistema es de divisiones y brigadas. Cada 7 turnos...
This is an Screaming Eagles campaign photo report. We will be playing on sundays, so this is the Sundays Campaign. Game starts at 1000 am, september 22nd, 1944 around Veghel. Holland. Two German kampfgrupps tried to cut the Eindhoven, Veghel, Njmegen, Arnhem road to...
We have started a campaign of A Raging Storm. This is a battle of the Anzio Beachhead within Tactical Combat Series games. Last sunday made the setup. We hope to play 2 sundays a month. Click in Leer más to see more and stay tuned for more after action reports....
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